Anal sex attracts many men so much that they are willing to cheat on their wives for this pleasure. Not all women understand such passion (how to talk a girl into anal sex). In this article we will tell you why men like anal sex. You will learn all about its advantages, disadvantages and safety rules.
Top 10 reasons why men like anal sex
Anal attracts both sexually active men who are prone to experimentation, as well as adherents of the classics. For many it remains a fantasy. The main reason for this craving is the desire for new sensations. But some are attracted to something else.
Ordinary sex gradually gets boring, and in porn movies anal looks very tempting. Many men want to experience these sensations themselves and persuade their partners. After the first experience some are disappointed, others get a taste for it.
No need for contraception
Many men strongly dislike condom sex and avoid it by all means. One of them is anal sex. But the condom is not just for protection against pregnancy, and the rectum is populated by microorganisms that are hostile to the sexual system. If a man prefers unprotected anal intercourse, he takes a big risk to his health.
Closer contact
Men like to do anal because the sphincter is much narrower than the vagina and squeezes the penis firmly as it enters the rectum. Then its walls open and the head enters the void. However, the stimulation provided by the anus is quite enough for men.
To make the contact even closer, you can narrow the rectum. To do this, you need to enter the vagina with a soft dildo or use a strapon. A woman will experience the effect of double penetration, which many deliver the strongest orgasm.
Vivid orgasm
The strong stimulation of the penis and the unconventional angle cause a vivid experience. The orgasm is more powerful.
Anal sex helps to diversify intimate life. Some women initiate it themselves because they are able to get orgasms from stimulation of the anus and the vaginal wall adjacent to the rectum.
In addition, anal sex can be substituted for regular sex. For example, during a woman’s menstruation or during the treatment of gynecological diseases.
Thanks to the widespread porn industry, classic sex has become almost indecent. It is believed that a couple must master all types of penetration, which includes anal intercourse.
The desire to dominate
Many men are aroused by anal sex as a symbol of dominance. During the process, they cum not so much from the stimulation itself, as from their position as the “alpha male” and the humiliated position of the woman.
Forbidden fruit
Some people want to try anal sex just because their women are adamantly against it. The more partners are persuaded that anal is dangerous with infections, injuries and close contact with fecal matter, the stronger the desire to try it becomes.
Some men find everything about anal arousing. Vaginal sex seems boring to them from the beginning. However, they are not in the minority, having intercourse exclusively with women.
The desire to make sure that a woman is trustworthy
The anal sphincter is a very vulnerable area that is easily injured. Some men perceive access to this orifice as the highest degree of trust on the part of a woman. At the same time very many do not justify it because of an amateurish approach.
Potential risks of anal sex
Anal sex without a condom can lead to infection with opportunistic microflora. This can lead to prostatitis and urethritis.
If a man likes to have anal sex, he is often no longer aroused by regular sex. There can be problems with his partner.
For women, anal intercourse often leads to the formation of chronic sphincter fissures. In addition, frequent acts can lead to dysfunction of receptors, stretching of tissues. This is fraught with fecal incontinence, formation of fistulas, prolapse of the rectum.
How to make anal sex safer – expert tips
Initially it is necessary to get the consent of the partner. Under no circumstances should the penis be sharply inserted into the anus as a “surprise” or done by force. The untrained sphincter will burst, causing sharp pain that will persist for several days. Subsequent infection will lead to inflammation.
Other rules:
- Hygienic procedures. The presence of fecal residue in the rectum strains both partners. To avoid mishaps, it is advisable for a woman to empty her bowels beforehand, and to do a rectal sprinkling before sex. You can use the anal shower.
- Obligatory foreplay and excitement of the partner. The release of special hormones will allow the woman to fully relax, reduce painful sensations, relieve muscle spasms and sphincter clamping.
- Stretching the anus. If a woman is aroused, caressing the anus will give her a bright pleasant sensation. The anus can be caressed with the tongue (rimming), gently stretching it with fingers and with special devices. There are thin anal vibrators, herringbone stimulators, inflatable plugs.
- Application of anal lubricant. A specialized lubricant will ensure easy penetration of the penis and subsequent sliding. The active components of the product have an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and softening effect on the mucous membranes. Lubricant should be applied to the penis, anus, put a little in the rectum.
Entering, especially the first time, should be very careful, stopping at each reflex contraction of the anus. Further friction should be incomplete, slow. At the same time you can caress the woman’s clitoris, so that the tension does not drop the arousal. It is very important to listen to your partner and stop movements at her request.
If after anal penetration there was a sharp pain in the rectum, there was blood, you need to see a proctologist as soon as possible. The doctor will help to properly treat the rupture, preventing the emergence of chronic fissures.
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